lots happening
Hello, beautiful humans!
i am writing this at my desk as i am uploading the latest video for the ALBOE channel. things have been goood and bad. lets start with good, becuase why not?
I am in school, i am enjoying it, classes are 7 hours a day 4 days a week. althought i am tired from studying and the mental strain. i see it as a good thing.
I am in the process if thinking about getting a pet. i would adopt. likely a cat. Would be good company for me. help with my mental health. i am working with both of my doctors to change 2 of my medications while i am in school to help with some fatigue and overall motovation. i have been trying to get outside for a walk att he bare minimum of every second day-this has been going well.
My iron levels ferratin specifically is back to normal, saturation is stilll high. My anxiety leves have gone up since starting school, i expected this. My depression level has gone up (bad) as i feel tired from the extra mental strain of school. I still have the drive to start the day and do things i just want to have that extra “get up and go” in my bones. lately sitting and watching youtube has been what i feel like doing. when i could be batch cooking or studying. As i said above i am working with my doctors to help this situation.
The bad, I dont have an income. I am getting assistance from the government every month via student loans which i will have to pay back in a years time. My parents are helping me out tremendously and i am forever greatful to have that option and the support. Love you both so much! Not suppporting myself bothers me. i do not like to count on others especially for finacial support, makes me feel like i am taking to much or taking advantage. i know i cannot do everything by myself. It is just hard to accept help. I said i would be getting a part time job, there is no time for a part-time job. When i am not studying/reading/in class i am batch cooking for lunches, paying bills, walking or trying to relax. i did have some extra spare time today so i am writing this, updaloed some new pictures for sale and a new video www.jhrenterprises.ca/prints. <—chack it out
I will 33 on the 29th and i am excited. New “year” new me, more to learn, experience, eat, drink and sleep.
this post comes to you with love and hope. If you are struggling with anything, at all. you are not alone. this is very important. People fight silent battles. instead of asking the next person how they that day, ask them if they are happy. see what kind of answer they give you.
Love you all!